Wednesday, 13 July 2011

21st of June, 2011 Valerie Daekin offers to host a charity event at Orley House for a garden Tea Party

After meeting with Valerie, who has offered to host a charity event to raise mony for CLIC-Sargent, we have decided to hold a Tea Party on 20th of August, 2-4.30, 2011. We are going to hold a further meeting in 2 weeks time to confirm the details of the event.

23rd of April, Book Signing at Waterstones, Drake Centre, Plymouth

I have to say that I was quite nervous about this, but it turned out to be a really enjoyable day. We gave out the flyer on the book which hopefully raised the profile of Under the Fountain and of CLIC-Sargent and of course helped to sell some books. The staff of Waterstones couldn't have been more welcoming and were on hand to help us set up the display and to see if there was anything else we needed. They like to support local authors.

A number of children in the shop filled in book reviews of Under the Fountain along with drawing their own pictures of seals etc.

It was a great opportunity to meet many interesting people, other authors- one just learning the trade, teachers and a number of people who have had a connection with CLIC-Sargent or other cancer charities.

Many thanks to Michele, Will, Sarah, Pete, Helen, Jennie, Dave and Nick for helping and giving support.